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Introduction and Licence


The !BootSparQ software and all utilities and documentation hereafter called 'the software' are Copyright A.P.D.L. and/or Baildon Electronics. For your convenience it is not copy protected, although each copy does have a unique identification number and the name of the original user is recorded. The Licence to use the software has been framed to suit the purpose to which we expect most normal users will wish to put it, and we have tried not to restrict legitimate use. However, the fact that it is not protected does make it possible for this to be abused. We have chosen not to link the software to a single machine, or to take other steps which would inconvenience users. We have decided to trust our customers. In return, we ask that you respect our copyright and, if you intend to use the software in a way which would be outside of this Licence please contact APDL. We will normally issue an Extended or Site Licence at a very modest (or no) fee.

  1. You are permitted to make a copy of the distribution disc for backup and security purposes.
  2. You are permitted to install the software on more than one Acorn computer at a single location up to a maximum of five machines.
  3. Where machines exist on more than one site you are permitted to install the software on a maximum of three machines on one site and a single machine on a remote site.
  4. When the software is installed on more than one machine you must only use it with a single parallel port drive. You can therefore only have one copy of the software in use at any time. Even if you are using the software on more than one location as permitted under 3 you must not have a separate drive at each site.

5.  This licence applies to the Acorn software provided by APDL. You may in addition install the Syquest PC software on PC computers as permitted by the Licence for that software.

This Licence has been framed to allow 'normal' users to employ the software for the purpose for which it was intended, namely, where a SparQ drive is used as a portable backup device for several computers at one location (eg. at home or in a small office) or where it is used to move data between machines at different locations (eg. between school/office and home, two different work sites, etc). If you anticipate that you may wish to use the software in such a way that it would contravene this Licence please contact APDL. We will try to be flexible and, where applicable, will issue an extension to the Licence for a minimal or no additional fee.

In the event of any problems or queries please contact -

     3QD Developments Ltd
     29 Alma Road
     Swadlincote DE11 0SD



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