Memory Map
The RISC OS logical memory map has not changed significantly from RISC OS 4. In turn, the memory map in RISC OS 4 had not changed significantly from RISC OS 3.7 version. It is very important to note that there are defined mechanisms for reading most of the regions of memory on RISC OS. Where possible, the supported system calls should be used and applications should not rely on the logical mapping of memory being unchanged on future versions of the operating system.
Address Function Size Type
000 00000
Reserved 8M Private
FF8 00000
Dynamic areas [8] 1.75G-8M Public [5]
900 00000
Copy of physical space 256M Private
800 00000
Dynamic areas 2G-136M Public [5]
088 00000
Reserved 3M Private
085 00000
OS page tables (SoftCAM) [9] 1M-16k Private
084 04000
UNDEF stack [9] 8k Private
084 00000
Level 2 page tables 4M Private
080 00000
Dynamic areas 64M Public [5]
040 00000
ROM 8M Private
038 00000
Reserved for 2nd processor 1M Private
037 00000
Reserved 1M Private
036 00000
VIDC20 1M Private
035 00000
Reserved for VIDC1 emulation 1M Private
034 00000
I/O space 4M Private [4]
030 00000
RMA 15M Public [3]
021 00000
Kernel buffers 544k Private
020 78000
Reserved for fake screen 960k Private
01F 88000
Reserved 448k Private
01F 18000
Reserved 32k Private
01F 10000
Reserved 24k Private
01F 0A000
"Nowhere" (2 pages) 8k Private
01F 08000
SWI dispatch / IRQ tables [7] 16k Private
01F 04000
Reserved [7] 16k Private
01F 00000
Reserved 1M-16k Private
01E 04000
IRQ stack [7] 16k Public [2]
01E 00000
System heap [6] 2M-36k Private
01C 09000
Reserved [6] 4k Private
01C 08000
SVC stack 32k Public [2]
01C 00000
Application space 28M-32k Public
000 08000
Scratch space [10] 16k Public [1]
000 04000
System workspace [10] 16k Private
000 00000
Notes about the logical memory map:
- The public [1] area may be used by any module that is not
- used in an IRQ routine
- used if you call something else that might also use it.
An example client would be FileCore using the scratch space to hold structures while working out how to allocate some free space. Another example would be the Filer using the scratch space to hold structures for OS_HeapSort.
- The public [2] areas can be assumed to have their lowest address on a 1MB boundary (being descending stacks). An exception will occur if they are accessed beyond this point. The exact location of these stacks should not be assumed.
- The public [3] area should not assume the location of the RMA or its maximum size. However it will be in the lower 64MB (ie it can execute 26 bit code).
- The private [4] area is private, and used for I/O except where device drivers export hardware addresses.
- The public [5] areas can be used by a client to make its own dynamic area.
- The system heap previously started at &01C08000, but has been moved up by a page such that stack underflow causes an abort, and reduced in size due to the requirement of the IRQ stack to be aligned on a 1MB boundary and to avoid its old allocation.
- The IRQ previously started at &01F00000. The stack has been increased in size. Because of this, it would have covered a region which was reserved for the SWI dispatch table. This table has changed in its internal organisation. Because of these changes, it was decided to move the IRQ stack and SWI dispatch tables such that components attempting to access the dispatch table do not overwrite the IRQ stack. Thus the SWI dispatch area is now higher in memory, and the IRQ stack is lower in memory, with a hole where the IRQ stack was previously.
- Under RISC OS 4, 256M of PCI space was reserved at &9000000. This is no longer reserved, and is available for dynamic areas.
- Under RISC OS 4, the UNDEF stack was 8K. In order to simplify some memory arrangement, it has been increased in size to 16K.
- Under RISC OS 4, the system workspace (also known as 'zero page') and scratch space were only protected against being written to from USR mode for the first 256 bytes. The entire 32K of this region is now only readable in USR mode.