



Remote disc types

Remote disc icons follow a set theme. This theme was designed for RISC OS 4, but was incomplete in a number of respects. The documentation for the conventions used was not released at that time. This document fills in some of the blanks.

Access type

The access type for a disc is indicated by a symbol in the bottom right corner of the icon. The only filing system which does not follow this convention is ShareFS. This is partly due to the nature of ShareFS and partly due to the fact that no representation of ShareFS has been decided.

AUN clients use a Level 4 pyramid with a flash on its peak. This is slightly different from the use under RISC OS 4 where the pyramid indicated a generic network.

A general network is now indicated by a network 'spider' instead.

NFS clients use three yellow triangle slices, pointing downward. This has no iconic meaning, except that it is distinguishable from the other access types.

LanManager clients use a group of three slightly offset cubes. Like the NFS access type, these have no iconic meaning, although the arrangement is intentionally similar to that of the SNIA group which has produced a description of the CIFS protocols.

AppleTalk clients use a group of stepped cubes. As with the preceding types, there is no iconic meaning, except that apples are green (red and yellow already having been used).

Other network filing systems should use a similar scheme for their icons.

Access level

The level of access being assigned to a client is indicated by the 's' flash at the top left of the icon. This should be coloured according to the type of access that can be performed on the data it refers to.

Colour         Meaning
Grey Revoked access, eg disc unavailable
Green Full read/write access with no restrictions
Red Read only access
Blue Restricted access, eg permission based

Other colours may be defined in the future should such indications be necessary. For now, it is recommended (but not required) that the scheme suggested be followed, even where custom iconsets are used. Where the level of access is unknown, a blue flash should be used.

Additional indicators

A small indicator may be present in the bottom left to indicate any other special features of the disc which are deemed appropriate. At the present time, only one such indicator is defined. In future, other indicators may be defined and third party implementations may wish to use alternative indicators.

Indicator         Meaning
Keyhole Disc is authenticated (requires user information to be provided)

Changes made to common icons

The following changes have been made to the common icons in the wimp sprite pool:

file_bda RW disc - no change
file_bd9 Protected disc - keyhole removed
file_fb4 RO disc - Draw icon removed
file_f9f RW logon disc - keyhole added
file_f9e Protected logon disc - keyhole now an indicator on left
file_f9d CD share - no change
small_bda RW disc - no change
small_bd9     Protected disc - keyhole removed
small_fb4 RO disc - created
small_f9f RW logon disc - keyhole added
small_f9e Protected logon disc - no change
network Replaced AUN-style pyramid with more generic 'network' spider
netfs Created from old network icon
netfsg Created from old network icon, using grey Access level.

Note: The CD share should not, by this document, use a CD icon as the access type. If used at all, this should be an indicator at the bottom left. This may be addressed in a later version of ShareFS.

This documentation is copyright 3QD Developments Ltd 2013 and may not be reproduced or published in any form without the copyright holders permission. RISC OS is subject to continuous development and improvement as such all information is reproduced by 3QD Developments Ltd in good faith and is believed to be correct at the time of publication E&OE. 3QD Developments Ltd cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any information provided as part of the RISC OS Documentation.

HTML document version 1.03 3rd November 2015